Sunday, February 20, 2011

Braun 5790 How To Replace Battery

We are less than a week since the second half of the season 2010/11, almost a league apart from having a long, long pause. The last game was played Nov. 6, 2010. Three and a half months without playing.

Only yesterday, the first test against the amateurs of Bardi. The match played in appalling conditions on the ground Noveglia ended 3 to 0 to the hosts. A large number of absences and also heavy: Wheezes, Vender, Serafini, Pellegrini, De Napoli, Franks, Barus and white lead. In the field a 4-4-2 rather than experimental

  1. Padovani
  2. Rus Andrei
  3. Turks
  4. M.
  5. Turchi N.
  6. Porreca
  7. Rota
  8. Dias Romeiro
  9. Trucci
  10. Carpana
  11. Sozzi
  12. Brugnoli
  13. Meneghetti (2°t)
  14. Laudadio (2°t)
  15. Sing (2°t)
Tante occasioni sprecate e gol subiti in modi abbastanza rocamboleschi spiegano un risultato a cui non si da molto peso. Si è vista però una squadra che ha provato a giocare a calcio e che c'è riuscita a tratti nonostante i ruoli un pochino inventati a causa delle assenze. Nota positiva la prestazione di Rus Andrei in ruolo abbastanza inconsueto per lui come il terzino destro. Il rumeno (20 anni), alla Dinamo da 3 anni, non sempre could participate in training and matches because of frail health, to say the least. Given the lack of wings and the role given its considerable technical and tactical improvements to his return would be an important future vision.

For the first official race of 2011 would also include the injured Vispi, Barus and Vender. De Napoli, the only true wing in rose, but must deal with a nuisance to a calf that resurfaces every time the leg too much effort but the call does not seem in doubt.

WOMEN'S SOCCER: Dynamo girls have lost their last match for 4 to 6 against ASD, Snow fall behind the group. Our blue dramatically but remain in fifth place ranking is dangerously shortened.

  1. Football Promo Service Salso 27
  2. Aquila Longhi c5f/Blubroker 26
  3. Inzani ISOMEC ASD c5f 25
  4. Real Mezzani c5f 19
  5. Dinamo Solignano ASD c5f 15
  6. Calestanese Paint Systems c5f 15
  7. Milan Club Parma ASD c5f 15
  8. Friday 17 AS 13
  9. Real Deaf Women's Parma
  10. Biancarosa ASD ASD 12 7 12


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