Saturday, September 6, 2008

Heather M Harmon In Mo Heather Harmon

The sovereigns of the Stars

A few months ago in a comment the first post on Primeval , Freeman asked me to a novel by drawing attention to the plot, but not the author and title.
chanced that they were one of my favorite authors and allowed me to respond to memory.
Edmond Hamilton with its Sovereign of Stars (and later "Back to the stars ") is in fact uno di quegli autori di fantascienza che piĆ¹ mi ha regalato momenti piacevolissimi nella lettura di storie che stimolano la fantasia a galoppare lungo sentieri sconosciuti e spazi immensi.
Appartengo ad una generazione che ha passato una infanzia felicissima , pur senza tanti gadget che fanno parte degli accessori indispensabili dei bambini di oggi.
Per noi un il ramo caduto d’albero dalla forma un po’ particolare diventava una avveniristica arma spaziale e bastavano pochi soldatini per sentirsi dei generali vittoriosi.
E’ naturale che una storia come quella dell’uomo comune John Gordon , tornato dalla guerra (la seconda guerra mondiale) dove aveva comandato un caccia e He sat down again at his boring desk accounting of insurance, could only turn the pleasure of reading the entire novel, his entourage and then a better understanding of the author.
Who would not like if a prince of the future take us in his time, to command an entire fleet space to save the world?
I think each of us in hotels, at any age, the spirit that has made Humanity , the spirit of adventure, knowledge, hope for the future and the freedom that every day, is stifled by the need , from decency, from the requirements of the role that filled. So why should we give
, at least, to dream with and identify with John Gordon Hamilton, a man of our time who had the good fortune to be chosen for an experiment in the distant future, and to make matters worse, even the one to marry a Princess, unfailingly beautiful, rich, bold and with a whole world to govern .

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