Friday, December 31, 2010

Blowout Ear Permanent

Happy New Year! Happy new year from 1

According toast, midnight local time:
Happy New Year to all of the Grenadines!
Eugene and Paola
Sent from my BlackBerry ® wireless device

Blowout Ear Permanent

Happy New Year! Happy new year from 1

According toast, midnight local time:
Happy New Year to all of the Grenadines!
Eugene and Paola
Sent from my BlackBerry ® wireless device

Semper Fi Wrestling Singlet


From Grenadines, local time 1900, the midnight hour Italian: Happy New Year!
Eugene and Paola
Sent from my BlackBerry ® wireless device

Semper Fi Wrestling Singlet


From Grenadines, local time 1900, the midnight hour Italian: Happy New Year!
Eugene and Paola
Sent from my BlackBerry ® wireless device

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Brazil Extreme Curves

Greetings from Oceanic Society Skippers

Dear Friends
Merry Christmas and a happy 2011
Eugene Moretti and Paolo Favero
Davide Mantovani
John Lecchini
Carlo Lai
Antonio Giovannini

Brazil Extreme Curves

Greetings from Oceanic Society Skippers

Dear Friends
Merry Christmas and a happy 2011
Eugene Moretti and Paolo Favero
Davide Mantovani
John Lecchini
Carlo Lai
Antonio Giovannini

Monday, December 20, 2010

Vintage Ladies Wrestling


L'ultima partita del girone d'andata ha visto la squadra femminile della Dinamo sconfiggere di misura la prima in classifica Aquila Longhi con un sudatissimo 5 a 4. Le ragazze vanno in pausa natalizia dopo aver conquistato il quinto posto in concomitanza con il Real Deaf Parma. Il loro girone di ritorno riprenderà il 24 gennaio.


Vintage Ladies Wrestling


L'ultima partita del girone d'andata ha visto la squadra femminile della Dinamo sconfiggere di misura la prima in classifica Aquila Longhi con un sudatissimo 5 a 4. Le ragazze vanno in pausa natalizia dopo aver conquistato il quinto posto in concomitanza con il Real Deaf Parma. Il loro girone di ritorno riprenderà il 24 gennaio.


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Freego Kart Blueprints

2010 a year to remember

Siamo arrivati a fine anno e in questo periodo è consuetudine per ogni società tirare le somme. Tra i vari problemi di natura non calcistica che sono emersi in questo ultimo trimestre ci si è un pò dimenticati che la Dinamo ha raggiunto e mantenuto il primo posto in classifica a fine girone d'andata, cosa che in 4 stagioni non era never happened. A demonstration of the maturity of the boys has been achieved, at least partially. We'll see after this season if it achieved full maturity. Positive sign is the enthusiasm that has been equally important and the strength and unity of the group that last season had faltered perhaps too high expectations from what was then collected. These assumptions will need to continue them in 2011 to give a good show of force in all respects to those who gave us back in time for finished within 4 years. Now four years have passed but we are still here with so many sports that we aim to continue for many years, always with the philosophy that distinguishes this company, or give chance for everyone to play sports and have fun in their own country . 2010 was the year of change and innovation even at the corporate level. Thanks we owe it to those like Laudadio Salvatore, Eugene Padovani, Franco Lepore, Luca De Napoli Giulia Sozzi and have offered their time (and not only) to send out everything even the smallest. Thanks also to all players and coach Luigi Cuda who have shown affection and seriousness.

Football 11: tonight last workout of 2010. The winter training will resume January 10, 2011.

Courses: tonight last class for 2010. Will resume January 10, 2011. Latin Dance to end in December 2010. For the other entries are re-opened from early January 2010.

Appointments -> 5 FEMALE FOOTBALL TONIGHT AT 21, Collecchio, Ego Fitness Village: Aquila Longhi - DINAMO Solignano

Freego Kart Blueprints

2010 a year to remember

Siamo arrivati a fine anno e in questo periodo è consuetudine per ogni società tirare le somme. Tra i vari problemi di natura non calcistica che sono emersi in questo ultimo trimestre ci si è un pò dimenticati che la Dinamo ha raggiunto e mantenuto il primo posto in classifica a fine girone d'andata, cosa che in 4 stagioni non era never happened. A demonstration of the maturity of the boys has been achieved, at least partially. We'll see after this season if it achieved full maturity. Positive sign is the enthusiasm that has been equally important and the strength and unity of the group that last season had faltered perhaps too high expectations from what was then collected. These assumptions will need to continue them in 2011 to give a good show of force in all respects to those who gave us back in time for finished within 4 years. Now four years have passed but we are still here with so many sports that we aim to continue for many years, always with the philosophy that distinguishes this company, or give chance for everyone to play sports and have fun in their own country . 2010 was the year of change and innovation even at the corporate level. Thanks we owe it to those like Laudadio Salvatore, Eugene Padovani, Franco Lepore, Luca De Napoli Giulia Sozzi and have offered their time (and not only) to send out everything even the smallest. Thanks also to all players and coach Luigi Cuda who have shown affection and seriousness.

Football 11: tonight last workout of 2010. The winter training will resume January 10, 2011.

Courses: tonight last class for 2010. Will resume January 10, 2011. Latin Dance to end in December 2010. For the other entries are re-opened from early January 2010.

Appointments -> 5 FEMALE FOOTBALL TONIGHT AT 21, Collecchio, Ego Fitness Village: Aquila Longhi - DINAMO Solignano

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What Does A Statue Reveal About Greek Values

The route of Penelope 1

This is the route that we path during the Atlantic crossing. Parties on November 19 from Santa Cruz at 11:30 UTC, dropped anchor in St. Anne, Martinique, Friday December 10 at 6:30 am local

10:30 UTC. Exactly 21 days for a total of 3012 miles.
The report has no favorites for a quick crossing. First week of very light winds and had to often use the engine. And the forecast is not giving us good prospects until it had reached longitude 40. But we are still at 27 degrees. And here was the strong feeling that would be a long, this crossing, forced to slow down our path if he had not submitted the wind. First thought to the amount 'of oil: Required for recharge the batteries and not enough for the entire route was used sparingly, more thought due to the amount 'of drinking water and galley: already' in the preparation and loading is considered a much longer 'long, then no problem.
Anyway, hopefully in the wind! ("That's 'cause I feared most old sailors' the doldrums of the waves!"). Then a very deep low pressure dropped from Florida to the Canary Islands also reached latitude 15. Thus forcing him to get off quickly and the more 'possible to find d' meet most, if anything, the area 'South of the Depression, where winds were less severe'. Finally, the much-desired wind! ("Even if it otherwise?").
For several days have alternated the southwest and west, 15-20 knots. Neither too strong nor too wave. But since our route was to be 280 degrees at times impossible to follow
Then south to north moments. At least
and 'got the wind! After days of upwind, pero ', the crew put to the test, he began to read the much-desired North-east trade winds, this famous wind surfing has done for centuries with the pace of breast sailors who ventured beyond the' unknown.
But the weather maps we still had little to hope for. Another front was present and, with its counterclockwise motion, and given our position, always blowing from the southwest and west we met. High
pressioni completamente assenti. Quindi ancora per giorni e giorni circolazione antioraria.
A poco piu' di una settimana dall'arrivo, raggiunta latitudine 14 e longitudine 40 un leggero vento di 15 nodi da nord-est incominciava a presentarsi: finalmente! E via via sempre piu' intenso fino a 25 nodi, accompagnato anche da un mare formato di 12 piedi d'onda. L'equipaggio, malgrado la stanchezza incominciava a farsi un po' sentire si ricaricava subito: l'acqua dal colore blu Oceano imbiancata dalle spruzzate provocate dalle raffiche del vento, le creste delle onde frangenti, e in quel frangente, solo un attimo, un colore azzurro nella schiuma bianca. Che di notte ne senti solo il suo frangere, quasi un sorriso alle tue spalle. Una situazione fin d'ora solo letta sui libri.
Penelope vola: randa ridotta di due mani, genoa ridotto e tangonato, mure a sinistra, poi si stramba, mure a dritta. Velocita' media 9 - 10 nodi, su planata anche 11. Gli ultimi giorni abbiamo percorso buone medie, anche 210 miglia nelle 24 ore finalmente con rotta diretta sulla Martinica.
Prime luci dell'isola, venerdi 10 dicembre ore 2.00 locali, 25 miglia all'arrivo.
All'alba l'intera isola in vista alla nostra dritta. A tutti salta all'occhio il colore verde intenso della vegetazione: per giorni siamo stati circondati da azzurri, blu, rossi, rosa, cobalto, grigio.
Ore 6,30: entrata nella Baia di St. Annne. Spiaggia bianca, palme, acqua trasparente e cristallina: come di arrival of the first crossing traditional dip in the Caribbean waters and the usual toast to the crew.
E 'was crossing from east to west a bit' different, classically known for his pace under the stern Aliseo.
The weather forced us to very specific decisions, although they should lengthen the route for safety of navigation. And 'thanks to the instrumentation that we have now on board we can check the daily weather changes and make precise decisions, where catered' chance '. But above all thanks to
radio contact with friends that day Radiomir allow us to hear a friendly voice from the ocean making us feel, well, less distant and alone, we, as a small floating cork immense.
I wonder 'what will have' left this deep experience in the minds of those who lived it!
would like to thank John, Aldo, Alessandro, Lucia, Christian, Patrick, Henry and Adriano our companions for a trip that lasted 21 days, spent in the "microcosm", Penelope, for the entire period that has kept us all together.
Eugene and Paola
Sent from my BlackBerry ® wireless device

What Does A Statue Reveal About Greek Values

The route of Penelope 1

This is the route that we path during the Atlantic crossing. Parties on November 19 from Santa Cruz at 11:30 UTC, dropped anchor in St. Anne, Martinique, Friday December 10 at 6:30 am local

10:30 UTC. Exactly 21 days for a total of 3012 miles.
The report has no favorites for a quick crossing. First week of very light winds and had to often use the engine. And the forecast is not giving us good prospects until it had reached longitude 40. But we are still at 27 degrees. And here was the strong feeling that would be a long, this crossing, forced to slow down our path if he had not submitted the wind. First thought to the amount 'of oil: Required for recharge the batteries and not enough for the entire route was used sparingly, more thought due to the amount 'of drinking water and galley: already' in the preparation and loading is considered a much longer 'long, then no problem.
Anyway, hopefully in the wind! ("That's 'cause I feared most old sailors' the doldrums of the waves!"). Then a very deep low pressure dropped from Florida to the Canary Islands also reached latitude 15. Thus forcing him to get off quickly and the more 'possible to find d' meet most, if anything, the area 'South of the Depression, where winds were less severe'. Finally, the much-desired wind! ("Even if it otherwise?").
For several days have alternated the southwest and west, 15-20 knots. Neither too strong nor too wave. But since our route was to be 280 degrees at times impossible to follow
Then south to north moments. At least
and 'got the wind! After days of upwind, pero ', the crew put to the test, he began to read the much-desired North-east trade winds, this famous wind surfing has done for centuries with the pace of breast sailors who ventured beyond the' unknown.
But the weather maps we still had little to hope for. Another front was present and, with its counterclockwise motion, and given our position, always blowing from the southwest and west we met. High
pressioni completamente assenti. Quindi ancora per giorni e giorni circolazione antioraria.
A poco piu' di una settimana dall'arrivo, raggiunta latitudine 14 e longitudine 40 un leggero vento di 15 nodi da nord-est incominciava a presentarsi: finalmente! E via via sempre piu' intenso fino a 25 nodi, accompagnato anche da un mare formato di 12 piedi d'onda. L'equipaggio, malgrado la stanchezza incominciava a farsi un po' sentire si ricaricava subito: l'acqua dal colore blu Oceano imbiancata dalle spruzzate provocate dalle raffiche del vento, le creste delle onde frangenti, e in quel frangente, solo un attimo, un colore azzurro nella schiuma bianca. Che di notte ne senti solo il suo frangere, quasi un sorriso alle tue spalle. Una situazione fin d'ora solo letta sui libri.
Penelope vola: randa ridotta di due mani, genoa ridotto e tangonato, mure a sinistra, poi si stramba, mure a dritta. Velocita' media 9 - 10 nodi, su planata anche 11. Gli ultimi giorni abbiamo percorso buone medie, anche 210 miglia nelle 24 ore finalmente con rotta diretta sulla Martinica.
Prime luci dell'isola, venerdi 10 dicembre ore 2.00 locali, 25 miglia all'arrivo.
All'alba l'intera isola in vista alla nostra dritta. A tutti salta all'occhio il colore verde intenso della vegetazione: per giorni siamo stati circondati da azzurri, blu, rossi, rosa, cobalto, grigio.
Ore 6,30: entrata nella Baia di St. Annne. Spiaggia bianca, palme, acqua trasparente e cristallina: come di arrival of the first crossing traditional dip in the Caribbean waters and the usual toast to the crew.
E 'was crossing from east to west a bit' different, classically known for his pace under the stern Aliseo.
The weather forced us to very specific decisions, although they should lengthen the route for safety of navigation. And 'thanks to the instrumentation that we have now on board we can check the daily weather changes and make precise decisions, where catered' chance '. But above all thanks to
radio contact with friends that day Radiomir allow us to hear a friendly voice from the ocean making us feel, well, less distant and alone, we, as a small floating cork immense.
I wonder 'what will have' left this deep experience in the minds of those who lived it!
would like to thank John, Aldo, Alessandro, Lucia, Christian, Patrick, Henry and Adriano our companions for a trip that lasted 21 days, spent in the "microcosm", Penelope, for the entire period that has kept us all together.
Eugene and Paola
Sent from my BlackBerry ® wireless device

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Team Slogans For Lacrosse


The guiding principle of "Luci d'Artista 2010/2011" -reads the official presentation of the event- is "Stars, Planets and the Beanstalk" , the light overcomes the darkness of fear and disillusionment, relational universes filled with a new cosmic harmony declined with mythological figures, bright flowers, waterfalls, crystal, original lines. An ecological message, artistic, social, ethical, very strong one chosen by the city of Salerno as well pointing to further enhance the attractiveness of a city beautiful, safe, clean and welcoming.

Team Slogans For Lacrosse


The guiding principle of "Luci d'Artista 2010/2011" -reads the official presentation of the event- is "Stars, Planets and the Beanstalk" , the light overcomes the darkness of fear and disillusionment, relational universes filled with a new cosmic harmony declined with mythological figures, bright flowers, waterfalls, crystal, original lines. An ecological message, artistic, social, ethical, very strong one chosen by the city of Salerno as well pointing to further enhance the attractiveness of a city beautiful, safe, clean and welcoming.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Wholesale For Pillows

News Dinamo

There are still two workouts , those of the next week, then will officially the winter break that will last at least until 11 January after which it will begin again with the preparation for winter. All the players time to recover and then prepare for the second round to continue on the same road came. The Dynamo went to the break first in the standings with a game in less than direct competitors.
  1. ASD Dinamo Solignano 16
  2. Sporting San Leonardo 16
  3. APD Five "A" 15 Tenacious D 12
  4. Berceto ASDC
  5. FC 12 11 Tomatis
  6. Real Pharmacy Low AS 11
  7. Indomitatriestina 9
  8. ASD Castle / 6 Gelmini
  9. grayed ASD FC 3
5 FEMALE SOCCER: Dynamo girls after a good start to the season are now going through a period less positive. 2 wins, 3 draws and 3 losses, 2 of which in the last 2 games. The last for 12 to 8 against the Calestanese. Distant from the summit, as many as 12 points behind but the first round is not over yet and there's all the back to do well. An eye but will also give the lower positions that are very close (5 points from the last in the standings).
  1. Aquila Longhi c5f/Blubroker 21
  2. Inzani ISOMEC ASD c5f 21
  3. Football Promo Service Salso 18
  4. Real Mezzani c5f 13
  5. Friday 17 AS 10
  6. Dinamo Solignano ASD c5f 9
  7. Real Deaf Women's Parma ASD 9
  8. Calestanese Paint Systems c5f 6
  9. Milan Club Parma c5f ASD ASD 4 5
  10. Biancarosa

Wholesale For Pillows

News Dinamo

There are still two workouts , those of the next week, then will officially the winter break that will last at least until 11 January after which it will begin again with the preparation for winter. All the players time to recover and then prepare for the second round to continue on the same road came. The Dynamo went to the break first in the standings with a game in less than direct competitors.
  1. ASD Dinamo Solignano 16
  2. Sporting San Leonardo 16
  3. APD Five "A" 15 Tenacious D 12
  4. Berceto ASDC
  5. FC 12 11 Tomatis
  6. Real Pharmacy Low AS 11
  7. Indomitatriestina 9
  8. ASD Castle / 6 Gelmini
  9. grayed ASD FC 3
5 FEMALE SOCCER: Dynamo girls after a good start to the season are now going through a period less positive. 2 wins, 3 draws and 3 losses, 2 of which in the last 2 games. The last for 12 to 8 against the Calestanese. Distant from the summit, as many as 12 points behind but the first round is not over yet and there's all the back to do well. An eye but will also give the lower positions that are very close (5 points from the last in the standings).
  1. Aquila Longhi c5f/Blubroker 21
  2. Inzani ISOMEC ASD c5f 21
  3. Football Promo Service Salso 18
  4. Real Mezzani c5f 13
  5. Friday 17 AS 10
  6. Dinamo Solignano ASD c5f 9
  7. Real Deaf Women's Parma ASD 9
  8. Calestanese Paint Systems c5f 6
  9. Milan Club Parma c5f ASD ASD 4 5
  10. Biancarosa

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Beach Vacation Playlists

December 9 hours 5.27GMT position latitude 14 ° 36.80 N longitude 57 ° W. 11:40 In Martinique we lack 213 miles. For days
a good wind of 20-25 knots from the north east, accompanied by a wave formed urge us to speed 'of 9-10 knots towards our destination. A journey that has lasted 20 days and is coming to an end. For days during which no meeting, only us, the ocean at times sleeping in his great moments alive in all its immensity ', the sun, the moon with all its stars, the clouds at times that all cotton trunk at times in a row chasing black covered with all their energy surround you ... and can not wait to leave.
A sail in the distance is in his silence. The inhabitants of the sea: dolphins are always present to cheer the days and nights with their jumps, a spray, a little more 'in the', and 'her great lady, and for the first time a meeting with the predator par excellence, he, Shark ! Almost not believe we make sure everyone on board saw him, filmed and photographed. One image that in the more 'deep the abyss here, under our boat, a few meters deep' is clearly visible in its shape, its color, its strength. We chased the stern in the wake of the flow caused by the propeller and its tailless in a moment under the boat, we also hit the propeller. Then we realized that probably were standing in the shadow of Penelope dolphinfish .... he was hunting. For half an hour
non ci ha abbandonati. Ma al contrario di altri incontri, non vedevamo l'ora se ne andasse. Anzi, ci si chiedeva: " perche' non se ne va? Cosa vuole questo?". Finalmente al suo deviare verso il largo ci siamo sentiti finalmente liberi

Beach Vacation Playlists

December 9 hours 5.27GMT position latitude 14 ° 36.80 N longitude 57 ° W. 11:40 In Martinique we lack 213 miles. For days
a good wind of 20-25 knots from the north east, accompanied by a wave formed urge us to speed 'of 9-10 knots towards our destination. A journey that has lasted 20 days and is coming to an end. For days during which no meeting, only us, the ocean at times sleeping in his great moments alive in all its immensity ', the sun, the moon with all its stars, the clouds at times that all cotton trunk at times in a row chasing black covered with all their energy surround you ... and can not wait to leave.
A sail in the distance is in his silence. The inhabitants of the sea: dolphins are always present to cheer the days and nights with their jumps, a spray, a little more 'in the', and 'her great lady, and for the first time a meeting with the predator par excellence, he, Shark ! Almost not believe we make sure everyone on board saw him, filmed and photographed. One image that in the more 'deep the abyss here, under our boat, a few meters deep' is clearly visible in its shape, its color, its strength. We chased the stern in the wake of the flow caused by the propeller and its tailless in a moment under the boat, we also hit the propeller. Then we realized that probably were standing in the shadow of Penelope dolphinfish .... he was hunting. For half an hour
non ci ha abbandonati. Ma al contrario di altri incontri, non vedevamo l'ora se ne andasse. Anzi, ci si chiedeva: " perche' non se ne va? Cosa vuole questo?". Finalmente al suo deviare verso il largo ci siamo sentiti finalmente liberi

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Why Would My Oven Set Off My Carbon


Why Would My Oven Set Off My Carbon


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Cute Team Hair Ribbons

Wind From the Atlantic Ocean in Atlantic Crossing

situazione del vento in oceano

Cute Team Hair Ribbons

Wind From the Atlantic Ocean in Atlantic Crossing

situazione del vento in oceano

Why Are My Avacado Trees Dying?

Moretti Omero diary on New Year's Eve Cruise Freya

18 novembre 2010
We started well, we had a nice breeze off from Tenerife and to date has been generous, but now (and afternoon) there was a bit 'and then I left the engine running because the sails flapped too, the My fear is always to break them.
The weather report that I got me a bit 'more wind in the south so that's where I'm headed.
position 25 ° 57'N 18 ° 30'W missing 2,493 miles to Martinique
November 19, 2010
The crew begins to become familiar with Freya, the wind is dropped and the crew is a bit 'better. In
day we had hoisted the spinnaker, so you can take advantage of what little there was, but tonight they take it down by night and is easier to keep the genoa spinnaker pole.
This is my position: 24 ° 02'N 20 ° 38'W missing 2362 miles to Martinique.
November 20, 2010
Today is a beautiful day, not very clear due to a disturbance that is passing to the north, which also results in a calm wind. We threw the hook and promptly hooked a dolphin a couple of pounds to cook tonight with baked potatoes in the usual way, for everything else is fine.
22 ° 33'N 22 ° 47'W missing 2232 miles but gradually fall.
November 21, 2010
20 ° 51'N 25 ° 04'W 2094
It 's always more difficult to send mail when we are close to the Caribbean we have a better spread. For two days I try to download a file and I can not forecast. At night there is a chance but even if sometimes I wake up I forget to turn on the machine.
However, the situation is critical but not tragic: a strong disturbance in the Atlantic deprives us of any wind, the latest forecasts are not very comforting but all in all diesel until we go forward.
November 22, 2010
20 ° 07'N 26 ° 38'W
Also this morning the sun splitting the stones and very little wind, but we try to take advantage of that. I predict that the situation will be unlocked very easily in the short term so I have to save fuel, so I try to start the engine as late as possible. Unfortunately, it crosses the road and the crew feels more and more on holidays, sometimes ignoring the most elementary safety rules. There
2000 Martinique, slowly falling.
November 23, 2010
Our position 19 ° 00'N 28 ° 32'W 1888
We're all missing good morale is high even if the wind is almost completely absent.
only during the day gets a slight breeze so we can turn off the engine and save fuel. There is a lull of the Virgin Mary but there is always the worst, the wind will it only takes a little 'patience.
November 24, 2010 23:30
17 ° 22'N 30 ° 08'W
We are still no wind, fortunately without sea, ora.Una disruption in the coming days we will go over and give us hope that contrary winds and a little hard. We're still going down south to escape further possibile.Questa disturbance and the distance I will cause difficulties with the mail during the day and now I can not receive, and then do it at night.
November 25, 2010
The wind this year is not present and therefore we are very slow, but this happens more often, nothing is more equal, otherwise everything is peaceful.
The crew got to know everything and is perfectly adequate, to eat greedily, but I can not lower our guard but this is normal.
Today we caught two nice fish (dorado), the first I did raw for lunch the other that is bigger than the cook in the oven tonight.
My position: 16 ° 10'N 31 ° 01'W
Mancano1729 the goal
November 26, 2010
Here we've created a sort of challenge so at least I keep them a bit 'busy.
Tonight a crew member phoned her daughter who lives in England and discovered that we follow through the blog.
Looking at the sky I see that all the time bodies pass through clouds, which mark the presence of a large instability, so I'm down so low now, because where I am not anything serious should happen at the most we will be no wind. Heap definitely late for the cruise which starts on 12 because I have to clean the boat when we arrive.
Our location: 14 ° 43'N 33 ° 10'W, from there we are getting closer, missing 1600 miles arrival
November 27, 2010
In this corner is doing a hot Executioner, also no wind today. Hear about in the late morning everyone to pull on the spinnaker but after a few hours we had to desist, and then again motore.Oggi to have occupied the cockpit with the computer to download pictures and movies, at first I wrinkled my nose but then I left to do: I have to give a little 'distraction, but at night I find a bit' of svaccamento by surprise when I go to check. This situation is getting heavy, however we can not do anything, you must have patience. As I write I heard a sizzle and I did not remember to have the water coming up the couscous. Tonight is Saturday, you go to the engine I made chicken wings with vegetables and couscous. We finished the bread. The
nostra.posizione: 14 ° 49N 35 ° 11'W 1489
Atlantic Ocean View 29 th crossing Homer Moretti
November 28, 2010
The weather situation I am describing is certainly an unusual journey, that certainly never written, I would have done without, but at least it's something of diverso.Oggi we had a diversion, some time we have crossed the route of giving birth to a minimum wind during their lunch. This time he brought a little 'benefit of the mood of the crew, too bad it did not last long, everything is back to normal. I just ordered to descend to the south even though we are now at a latitude of Martinique because here continue to transition fronts, and finding no barriers will certainly all in the Mediterranean. It will be a cold winter to you. However, my position is 14 ° 41'N 36 ° 59'W There

Why Are My Avacado Trees Dying?

Moretti Omero diary on New Year's Eve Cruise Freya

18 novembre 2010
We started well, we had a nice breeze off from Tenerife and to date has been generous, but now (and afternoon) there was a bit 'and then I left the engine running because the sails flapped too, the My fear is always to break them.
The weather report that I got me a bit 'more wind in the south so that's where I'm headed.
position 25 ° 57'N 18 ° 30'W missing 2,493 miles to Martinique
November 19, 2010
The crew begins to become familiar with Freya, the wind is dropped and the crew is a bit 'better. In
day we had hoisted the spinnaker, so you can take advantage of what little there was, but tonight they take it down by night and is easier to keep the genoa spinnaker pole.
This is my position: 24 ° 02'N 20 ° 38'W missing 2362 miles to Martinique.
November 20, 2010
Today is a beautiful day, not very clear due to a disturbance that is passing to the north, which also results in a calm wind. We threw the hook and promptly hooked a dolphin a couple of pounds to cook tonight with baked potatoes in the usual way, for everything else is fine.
22 ° 33'N 22 ° 47'W missing 2232 miles but gradually fall.
November 21, 2010
20 ° 51'N 25 ° 04'W 2094
It 's always more difficult to send mail when we are close to the Caribbean we have a better spread. For two days I try to download a file and I can not forecast. At night there is a chance but even if sometimes I wake up I forget to turn on the machine.
However, the situation is critical but not tragic: a strong disturbance in the Atlantic deprives us of any wind, the latest forecasts are not very comforting but all in all diesel until we go forward.
November 22, 2010
20 ° 07'N 26 ° 38'W
Also this morning the sun splitting the stones and very little wind, but we try to take advantage of that. I predict that the situation will be unlocked very easily in the short term so I have to save fuel, so I try to start the engine as late as possible. Unfortunately, it crosses the road and the crew feels more and more on holidays, sometimes ignoring the most elementary safety rules. There
2000 Martinique, slowly falling.
November 23, 2010
Our position 19 ° 00'N 28 ° 32'W 1888
We're all missing good morale is high even if the wind is almost completely absent.
only during the day gets a slight breeze so we can turn off the engine and save fuel. There is a lull of the Virgin Mary but there is always the worst, the wind will it only takes a little 'patience.
November 24, 2010 23:30
17 ° 22'N 30 ° 08'W
We are still no wind, fortunately without sea, ora.Una disruption in the coming days we will go over and give us hope that contrary winds and a little hard. We're still going down south to escape further possibile.Questa disturbance and the distance I will cause difficulties with the mail during the day and now I can not receive, and then do it at night.
November 25, 2010
The wind this year is not present and therefore we are very slow, but this happens more often, nothing is more equal, otherwise everything is peaceful.
The crew got to know everything and is perfectly adequate, to eat greedily, but I can not lower our guard but this is normal.
Today we caught two nice fish (dorado), the first I did raw for lunch the other that is bigger than the cook in the oven tonight.
My position: 16 ° 10'N 31 ° 01'W
Mancano1729 the goal
November 26, 2010
Here we've created a sort of challenge so at least I keep them a bit 'busy.
Tonight a crew member phoned her daughter who lives in England and discovered that we follow through the blog.
Looking at the sky I see that all the time bodies pass through clouds, which mark the presence of a large instability, so I'm down so low now, because where I am not anything serious should happen at the most we will be no wind. Heap definitely late for the cruise which starts on 12 because I have to clean the boat when we arrive.
Our location: 14 ° 43'N 33 ° 10'W, from there we are getting closer, missing 1600 miles arrival
November 27, 2010
In this corner is doing a hot Executioner, also no wind today. Hear about in the late morning everyone to pull on the spinnaker but after a few hours we had to desist, and then again motore.Oggi to have occupied the cockpit with the computer to download pictures and movies, at first I wrinkled my nose but then I left to do: I have to give a little 'distraction, but at night I find a bit' of svaccamento by surprise when I go to check. This situation is getting heavy, however we can not do anything, you must have patience. As I write I heard a sizzle and I did not remember to have the water coming up the couscous. Tonight is Saturday, you go to the engine I made chicken wings with vegetables and couscous. We finished the bread. The
nostra.posizione: 14 ° 49N 35 ° 11'W 1489
Atlantic Ocean View 29 th crossing Homer Moretti
November 28, 2010
The weather situation I am describing is certainly an unusual journey, that certainly never written, I would have done without, but at least it's something of diverso.Oggi we had a diversion, some time we have crossed the route of giving birth to a minimum wind during their lunch. This time he brought a little 'benefit of the mood of the crew, too bad it did not last long, everything is back to normal. I just ordered to descend to the south even though we are now at a latitude of Martinique because here continue to transition fronts, and finding no barriers will certainly all in the Mediterranean. It will be a cold winter to you. However, my position is 14 ° 41'N 36 ° 59'W There

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Hardy Weinberg Problems And Answers


cartoons (an alias Corazón) August 27, 2008, on the blog "A school of lies" (travel between errors and horrors of Italian school) Blogosfere group Populis media brand.

Hardy Weinberg Problems And Answers


cartoons (an alias Corazón) August 27, 2008, on the blog "A school of lies" (travel between errors and horrors of Italian school) Blogosfere group Populis media brand.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

2010 Lucasville Flea Market

A TV channel for science fiction

a couple of weeks Sky offers a dozen more channels, including Sci Fi Axn .
How about this news? However
positive and resumed the show gender, although some go to the fifth or sixth time and I do not believe that all are "lovers" Replication - provided the programs liked them - like me. Some choices are questionable
as to replicate the movie Star Trek on Saturday, coinciding with the programming of Fox Retro providing for its original series of Star Trek which requires a painful choice about what to record.
some sort would be nice, so, again for Star Trek, I see that the proposal is "The Next Generation" and, subsequently, to skip Voyager Deep Space Nine (although, in my opinion, is the worst DSN among all the seasons of Star Trek). But
that will be awarded after three years of ads, only now sees the light channel devoted to science fiction.
E 'inconceivable that in the future, planning to take the most rewarding features for fans, even with new editions in the past have found passages in Italian television.
It is certain that with the transition from analogue to digital terrestrial and the fighting in the Sky propose new deals and issues, we viewers have great opportunities of choice for all tastes ... while it lasts!

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2010 Lucasville Flea Market

A TV channel for science fiction

a couple of weeks Sky offers a dozen more channels, including Sci Fi Axn .
How about this news? However
positive and resumed the show gender, although some go to the fifth or sixth time and I do not believe that all are "lovers" Replication - provided the programs liked them - like me. Some choices are questionable
as to replicate the movie Star Trek on Saturday, coinciding with the programming of Fox Retro providing for its original series of Star Trek which requires a painful choice about what to record.
some sort would be nice, so, again for Star Trek, I see that the proposal is "The Next Generation" and, subsequently, to skip Voyager Deep Space Nine (although, in my opinion, is the worst DSN among all the seasons of Star Trek). But
that will be awarded after three years of ads, only now sees the light channel devoted to science fiction.
E 'inconceivable that in the future, planning to take the most rewarding features for fans, even with new editions in the past have found passages in Italian television.
It is certain that with the transition from analogue to digital terrestrial and the fighting in the Sky propose new deals and issues, we viewers have great opportunities of choice for all tastes ... while it lasts!

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