Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Lutheran Wedding Bulletin

Get ready, it begins! Less than 6

17.30 Saturday, February 26, STUARD SUMMARY: Pharmacy Tomatis - DINAMO

After almost four months on the sidelines is back on the field for a game official. E 'from 11 January to Dynamo prepares for the start of the second half of the season and the field will come up in one of those where you have fun and play "football." This will be the goal. Play well and act as a team and results will be alone.

Out: Turks N. De Napoli, Rinaldi, Screnci, Bull, Carpana.

Suspended: anyone.

In perhaps: Trucco (fatigue)

available : Meneghetti (PT), Serafini, white lead, Laudadio, Sing, Brugnoli, Rota, Russia.

The probable formation (3-5-2):

  1. Padovani (PT)
  2. Vispi
  3. Turks M.
  4. Vender
  5. Barus
  6. Pellegrini
  7. Trucci
  8. Franchi
  9. Porreca
  10. Sozzi
  11. Dias Romeiro
(4-4-2 centrocampo a rombo)

  1. Padovani
  2. Turchi M.
  3. Vender
  4. Vispi
  5. Porreca
  6. Barusi
  7. Trucci
  8. Pellegrini
  9. Franchi
  10. Sozzi
  11. Dias Romeiro


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