Saturday, February 26, 2011

Parts Of A Ship (labeled)

A great, a big mistake Pharmacy Tomatis 1-0 Dinamo

hard to explain how do you lose a game like that. If you think back to score once you understand the error of the ensemble team. Franks missed a step on the trocar solignanese, opponents share through the midfield completely open Vispi is soft on enforcement and on the next pitch Turks M. miss a piece of paper. The icing on the cake Padovani remains impaled on the goal line and when it comes out too late because the attacker puts it, and its deviation is not enough to change the trajectory of the ball that pulls low shot on goal with M. Turchi that chases in vain. The fast break was the only way in which opponents tried to play. With this method have had at least two clear opportunities face to face with Padovani who have wasted so very awkward. Plus a nice shot from impossible position that Padovani deflected for a corner. Their game comes down to this. They have ever built in the shadow of an action. Crushed for the rest of the match in their own half to look that Franks did a reverse parry, Sozzi on the head with 2 scoring a parade each other very well wasted. The tow had chest would have been face to face with the goalkeeper. Cross about cross unexploited. A corner shot out of nothing at the far post. To quote the attitude arbitration: the race director called by name opponents, but in the first half was perfect. After the goal at half-time of the Pharmacy Tomatis has changed oddly register. Non-existent fouls whistled in their favor and immediately rifischiava on an offside penalty. Obviously you do not want to find an alibi for the defeat but it was obvious to all. Apart from the result is a performance that indicates that the team is all right, play well and play well especially on these fields wide. The only drawback, but the difficulty in achieving these games are not repeated every Saturday. The well-known real negative note were two accidents Nicholas Turks and Barus. For them at least 10 days to stop. Vender also came out prematurely but there is no problem for him. The year 2011 was opened as it's open season in 2010. We hope that then the roller gear is the same as last year.

The report cards

PADOVANI: port on the goal too as has happened many times. He was rescued by blocking a shot from distance that probably would have been at the crossroads. For the rest of the match was inactive.

Muslera 5.5

TURKISH Matt: It's the shot that Spizzo the ball to the striker who bagged but was subsequently 's only negative is a good game at defensive push. Then the dark side of his mind took over and led him to threaten the arbiter of death. Fortunately, his companions have previously blocked.


NICHOLAS TURKEY: playing with a few smudges but finished with a stretch given the problems already announced in the week. Training is essential and needs it! Forward on the goal may be too soon but if Franks had probably guessed the move would go almost door. Tonight he will be back harassing each child.


Vispi: it was two weeks of training, but has almost zero and has regularly driven cross from the bottom in more than four years of Dinamo. He also complicit in the goal conceded but there can be no failure after a game like that.


Barus: he also had muscle discomfort and the first real step is resurfaced stretch but amplified. He, too, out of position on the ball in midfield that has been around before reaching the foot of the attacker. For the rest has still played well managed with ease between the balloons that had i piedi a parte solo una sbavatura su cui ha rimediato facendo fallo. Sono mancati i suoi falli e il suo saper spezzare il gioco, quando era in campo e quando è sceso. Lo riaspettiamo più falloso che mai.


PORRECA: gli era stato chiesto di fare un pò troppi ruoli. Partiva interno di centrocampo nei 3 di un 4-3-2-1. Doveva difendere e fare la fascia. Lo ha fatto quando ha potuto e ha anche scodellato qualche cross. Anche lui sbilanciatissimo sull'azione del gol subito ma complessivamente una partita più che sufficiente.


TRICKS: perhaps we needed to wait to change it in the second half. Since they had a good game in terms of the setting. Most of the time ordered (aside from the action of the goals) and quiet albatross. He wasted little or nothing. One of the best performance of 32 year-old.

Ivan Radovanovic 6.5

FRANCE: has "clicked" a ball that usually does not miss them and their opponents have broken down, ending with the ball network. Too bad because the performance was more than sufficient and has also threatened to scoring with a half-overturned but was not particularly angled and often set in an orderly fashion by turning the game when poteva.Quindi well on the midfield line, not in front of goal where often reluctant to shoot.

Micoud 6 +

Biacco: How to Trucci perhaps his replacement was a little premature. He had not collapse until then but even so pity. Apart from his aimless wandering in the field had never lost balls and sensational sometimes had traded well with his teammates. Sometimes he stepped on some feet with Sozzi but it does happen. It must be said that mobility was not a member of his performance. When, however, coverage has become oddly present. Perhaps the distance from the area makes it very inefficient. It 's a fancy player, a genius and recklessness that should be free free to invent schemes ....... .. joke ... that's why the coach advised him Pes2011.


Sozzi: today has been tried in every way. Ball on the ground, cross, Filter balls ... had on foot or better on the front two golden balls. A good foiled by the goalkeeper, the other preferred to tow the chest instead of gore. Also noteworthy is his free-kick just over the crossbar. Next week will be operated eye for 2 weeks and do not we will have, with a view to remember that place because now plays with one eye and how it is put so well!
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blind man of Jericho 5.5

SERAFINI: nell'assalto thrown the second time after about 10 minutes. Yes è proposto andando persino al cross che è stato immortalato dagli spalti come "primo cross di Serafini della storia". La foto verrà appesa nella galleria fotografica della Dinamo nel centro sportivo di Solignano, che coincide con la latrina dello spogliatoio.Poi è ritornato nei suoi standard lisciando uno stop su una palla a 3km/h accasciandosi a terra e bestemmiando i santi. Poi su una bella palla di Porreca in fascia l'ha guardata mentre scorreva e mentre veniva poi conquistata dall'avversario che ha fermato fallosamente. Ma c'è da dire che difensivamente ha fatto il suo senza sbavature.


PELLEGRINI: toltosi il sondino con l'ossigeno, la coperta di lana, la cuffia, i guanti, la giacca invernale della Dinamo e fattosi di aulin sotto lingua è entrato al posto di Trucci dopo pochi minuti dall'inizio del secondo tempo. Le medicine c'hanno messo 5 o 6 minuti prima di fare effetto dopo di che ha iniziato a rendersi conto di essere vivo e ha fatto il suo senza errori e con ordine. Visto il picco di influenza previsto in nel periodo a cavallo di febbraio e marzo è stato messo in una speciale incubatrice sponsorizzata dalla Farmacia Iorio nel reparto maternità di Parma con data da definire. I compagni fino ad allora potranno parlarci solo dal vetro tramite microfono.

Luna 6

BRUGNOLI: its entry into the field has brought a little bit of movement but the distance from the door made it a bit sterile. He exchanged a couple of times with good players went to the shooting range only once, shot that went off half way up a little bit away from the pole.


ANDREI RUS: deployed as an offensive back in the last ten minutes. Good performance in line with that of team. Wasted no balls. E 'improved considerably in recent months despite not playing. It 's been done by the wing and the striker to make the quarterback. As the motto "unlucky in love, lucky in the game."


ROTA: in the fifteen minutes that was available has not seen much playable balls. Any exchange, a cross and nothing more. In the final slump is also difficult to be calm and decisive. After trying the thrill of skiing, the leadership is trying to open a branch of Dinamo devoted to mountain sports. To give more possibilità di successo la Bottega del fabbro di Turchi Claudio sta costruendo una rampa in acciaio per il salto con gli sci. La rampa situata al di sopra del campo da allenamento di Solignano farà atterrare i concorrenti sul greto del Rizzano appositamente spianato da Primo Moia.


IL MISTER: ha schierato una formazione del tipo "vado sul sicuro" ma con un modulo nuovo il 4-3-2-1 . Il risultato non gli da ragione, la prestazione si. Forse era meglio non rischiare Turchi Nicholas. I cambi si sono dimostrati all'altezza e li ha esauriti. Dovrà lavorare sull'attacco.


THE PUBLIC: parmigiana part of the general public has missed the appointment. IRREDUCIBLE 7

THE REFEREE: FIRST TIME impeccable. Second Half blatantly partisan. There was a penalty on each side and did not give either of the par-playing field.


THE DRUG TOMATIS: no can say that they are good at exploiting the opportunities available because otherwise we'd be talking about a 3 to 0 for them. They have a player capable of embarrassing opponents, No. 11 now but can not always hope every time opponents in the mistakes that will take the field.



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