Saturday, May 25, 2002

Nail Designs/rasta Sets

From letters section of the Herald Tribune:

Marijuana for medical use

The recent wave of obituaries of the brilliant scientist and writer Stephen Jay Gould had in common rather than neglecting a significant fact: he was using medical marijuna. In 1982 he was diagnosed with cancer and were given eight months of life, survived two decades, enduring chemotherapy through the use of medical marijuana. Where other drugs were powerless to reduce the nausea caused by chemotherapy, he wrote, "marijuana has worked to wonder." And to add: "And 'beyond' my comprehension how any person with humanity to prevent persons who are in desperate need of such situational a substance so beneficial." Gould
witness' before a court Canada, in 1998, during the proceedings which had resulted in the creation of the final program for the medical use of marijuana in Canada.

Bruce Mirken, Washington The writer is communications director of the Marijuana Policy Project.

The original article is here .

(Thanks to Avedon Carol for the tip)

Avedon As I too was shocked by the death of Stephen Jay Gould. He taught me several key things. All of his popular books but especially "Intelligence and Prejudice" are essential reading.


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