Monday, May 27, 2002

What To Write On 21st Card

Machismo al fronte

Questo è un articolo che ho trovato sul blog di Charlie Stross, difatti viene da News.Scotsman.

Mi chiedo se sia uno scherzo - il tono di certo sembra strano... ma se non lo è, devo dire che questi afgani mi fanno molta simpatia, e devo notare che i campioni della società occidentale tollerante a civilizzata sembrano più omofobi dei selvaggi afgani...

Chris Stephen da Bagram

I marine britannici di ritorno dalle operazioni nelle montagne afgane hanno rivelato ieri una nuova, allarmante minaccia: venire avvicinati da sciami di contadini gay con delle proposals.

An Arbroath marine, James Fletcher, said: "They were more fearful of al-Qaeda. A guy with my toes enamel has' offered to give the enamel to us. They go hand in hand around throughout the village. "

"We were a bit 'upset," Fletcher continued the sea. "We found out talking to the Afghan soldiers who were with us that a lot of men in qusto country have the same philosophy of the ancient Greeks 'need for women to have children, men for pleasure'."

"It 's been hell," said Corporal Paul Richard, 20 years. "In every village we entered was a group of men that we were all loaded close, we stroked her hair and cheeks and sent us kisses. "

At one point, soldiers were asked to dance. Marines have apologized, saying he did not want to slow down their search and destroy mission, and if are gone. "They put up the music and asked us to dance. I told them they could go after, "says Corporal Richard." Some of the guys did turn around and fled. E 'was horrible. "


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