Tuesday, May 28, 2002

Does A Queen Mattress Fit In A Cargo Van


Oook. Oook oook ook ooook. Oook!

Does A Queen Mattress Fit In A Cargo Van


Oook. Oook oook ook ooook. Oook!

Spanish Receptoin Card

The Black Death Opens Kindergarten

Dall'insostituibile The Onion:

Besides being able to take part in games and educational activities, the kindergarten children already have the Death Star's Sunshine ; could witness the destruction of several planets from the large window where asylum has.

Last Friday, during a period of free design, the planet Alderaan was destroyed, delighting 23 of the 24 young guests who were able to witness the destructive power of battle station. The only exception was constituted by small Libby Phelps, 3 years, whose family was vacationing on Alderaan when it was destroyed. The little girl was frightened by the loud explosion and started to cry when she realized that her mother, father and sister were now dead. The squadron of elite guards dell'Imperaotre had to go into action, removing the child from the common room and giving her an ice cream cone to calm her down.

But while many parents are excited about the opening of the new asylum, a few extremists have expressed their concerns about the proximity of the classrooms on the Death Star's reactor core.

"There is an opening that overlooks the main pipe of the reactor core," said Annette Voss, a parent and one of the few dissenting voices. "If a small rebel ship somehow able to penetrate the deflector shield and enter the canyon, you will be able to hit the reactor with a single photon torpedo very precise and destroy the entire station."

Experts believe, however unfounded the theory of Voss, dismissing the chance to deal a blow such as "one in a million."

Full article (there 'the other)

Spanish Receptoin Card

The Black Death Opens Kindergarten

Dall'insostituibile The Onion:

Besides being able to take part in games and educational activities, the kindergarten children already have the Death Star's Sunshine ; could witness the destruction of several planets from the large window where asylum has.

Last Friday, during a period of free design, the planet Alderaan was destroyed, delighting 23 of the 24 young guests who were able to witness the destructive power of battle station. The only exception was constituted by small Libby Phelps, 3 years, whose family was vacationing on Alderaan when it was destroyed. The little girl was frightened by the loud explosion and started to cry when she realized that her mother, father and sister were now dead. The squadron of elite guards dell'Imperaotre had to go into action, removing the child from the common room and giving her an ice cream cone to calm her down.

But while many parents are excited about the opening of the new asylum, a few extremists have expressed their concerns about the proximity of the classrooms on the Death Star's reactor core.

"There is an opening that overlooks the main pipe of the reactor core," said Annette Voss, a parent and one of the few dissenting voices. "If a small rebel ship somehow able to penetrate the deflector shield and enter the canyon, you will be able to hit the reactor with a single photon torpedo very precise and destroy the entire station."

Experts believe, however unfounded the theory of Voss, dismissing the chance to deal a blow such as "one in a million."

Full article (there 'the other)

Monday, May 27, 2002

What To Write On 21st Card

Machismo al fronte

Questo è un articolo che ho trovato sul blog di Charlie Stross, difatti viene da News.Scotsman.

Mi chiedo se sia uno scherzo - il tono di certo sembra strano... ma se non lo è, devo dire che questi afgani mi fanno molta simpatia, e devo notare che i campioni della società occidentale tollerante a civilizzata sembrano più omofobi dei selvaggi afgani...

Chris Stephen da Bagram

I marine britannici di ritorno dalle operazioni nelle montagne afgane hanno rivelato ieri una nuova, allarmante minaccia: venire avvicinati da sciami di contadini gay con delle proposals.

An Arbroath marine, James Fletcher, said: "They were more fearful of al-Qaeda. A guy with my toes enamel has' offered to give the enamel to us. They go hand in hand around throughout the village. "

"We were a bit 'upset," Fletcher continued the sea. "We found out talking to the Afghan soldiers who were with us that a lot of men in qusto country have the same philosophy of the ancient Greeks 'need for women to have children, men for pleasure'."

"It 's been hell," said Corporal Paul Richard, 20 years. "In every village we entered was a group of men that we were all loaded close, we stroked her hair and cheeks and sent us kisses. "

At one point, soldiers were asked to dance. Marines have apologized, saying he did not want to slow down their search and destroy mission, and if are gone. "They put up the music and asked us to dance. I told them they could go after, "says Corporal Richard." Some of the guys did turn around and fled. E 'was horrible. "

What To Write On 21st Card

Machismo al fronte

Questo è un articolo che ho trovato sul blog di Charlie Stross, difatti viene da News.Scotsman.

Mi chiedo se sia uno scherzo - il tono di certo sembra strano... ma se non lo è, devo dire che questi afgani mi fanno molta simpatia, e devo notare che i campioni della società occidentale tollerante a civilizzata sembrano più omofobi dei selvaggi afgani...

Chris Stephen da Bagram

I marine britannici di ritorno dalle operazioni nelle montagne afgane hanno rivelato ieri una nuova, allarmante minaccia: venire avvicinati da sciami di contadini gay con delle proposals.

An Arbroath marine, James Fletcher, said: "They were more fearful of al-Qaeda. A guy with my toes enamel has' offered to give the enamel to us. They go hand in hand around throughout the village. "

"We were a bit 'upset," Fletcher continued the sea. "We found out talking to the Afghan soldiers who were with us that a lot of men in qusto country have the same philosophy of the ancient Greeks 'need for women to have children, men for pleasure'."

"It 's been hell," said Corporal Paul Richard, 20 years. "In every village we entered was a group of men that we were all loaded close, we stroked her hair and cheeks and sent us kisses. "

At one point, soldiers were asked to dance. Marines have apologized, saying he did not want to slow down their search and destroy mission, and if are gone. "They put up the music and asked us to dance. I told them they could go after, "says Corporal Richard." Some of the guys did turn around and fled. E 'was horrible. "

Sunday, May 26, 2002

Suggestions For A Hedgehog Cage

Now there are comments. I think. ... But now we see

Suggestions For A Hedgehog Cage

Now there are comments. I think. ... But now we see

Saturday, May 25, 2002

Nail Designs/rasta Sets

From letters section of the Herald Tribune:

Marijuana for medical use

The recent wave of obituaries of the brilliant scientist and writer Stephen Jay Gould had in common rather than neglecting a significant fact: he was using medical marijuna. In 1982 he was diagnosed with cancer and were given eight months of life, survived two decades, enduring chemotherapy through the use of medical marijuana. Where other drugs were powerless to reduce the nausea caused by chemotherapy, he wrote, "marijuana has worked to wonder." And to add: "And 'beyond' my comprehension how any person with humanity to prevent persons who are in desperate need of such situational a substance so beneficial." Gould
witness' before a court Canada, in 1998, during the proceedings which had resulted in the creation of the final program for the medical use of marijuana in Canada.

Bruce Mirken, Washington The writer is communications director of the Marijuana Policy Project.

The original article is here .

(Thanks to Avedon Carol for the tip)

Avedon As I too was shocked by the death of Stephen Jay Gould. He taught me several key things. All of his popular books but especially "Intelligence and Prejudice" are essential reading.

Nail Designs/rasta Sets

From letters section of the Herald Tribune:

Marijuana for medical use

The recent wave of obituaries of the brilliant scientist and writer Stephen Jay Gould had in common rather than neglecting a significant fact: he was using medical marijuna. In 1982 he was diagnosed with cancer and were given eight months of life, survived two decades, enduring chemotherapy through the use of medical marijuana. Where other drugs were powerless to reduce the nausea caused by chemotherapy, he wrote, "marijuana has worked to wonder." And to add: "And 'beyond' my comprehension how any person with humanity to prevent persons who are in desperate need of such situational a substance so beneficial." Gould
witness' before a court Canada, in 1998, during the proceedings which had resulted in the creation of the final program for the medical use of marijuana in Canada.

Bruce Mirken, Washington The writer is communications director of the Marijuana Policy Project.

The original article is here .

(Thanks to Avedon Carol for the tip)

Avedon As I too was shocked by the death of Stephen Jay Gould. He taught me several key things. All of his popular books but especially "Intelligence and Prejudice" are essential reading.

Spermsmells Like Fish

Oh, hell. I've been on for space.tin.it a couple of hours. I have gone archives, subfolder does not work, I close Explorer, the site and 'slow as the past. I decided that the advertisement 'I can tolerate for a while'.

I wonder if the amount of damage to the ADSL and 'best of' this stuff ...

Spermsmells Like Fish

Oh, hell. I've been on for space.tin.it a couple of hours. I have gone archives, subfolder does not work, I close Explorer, the site and 'slow as the past. I decided that the advertisement 'I can tolerate for a while'.

I wonder if the amount of damage to the ADSL and 'best of' this stuff ...

Fedex Stop Delivery Vacation

Um, no, I'm shot for the comments, let's see if tomorrow I have more 'luck. Meanwhile, the site and 'on this site is absolutely hopeless ... but at least no publicity '. Oh, groan.

Fedex Stop Delivery Vacation

Um, no, I'm shot for the comments, let's see if tomorrow I have more 'luck. Meanwhile, the site and 'on this site is absolutely hopeless ... but at least no publicity '. Oh, groan.

Virtual Animal Genitals

Have a moment's patience will soon put even the comments. Unfortunately I have to wait yaccs accept other people, around midnight.

Oh, and I know that advertising ' e' seccante. Volevo mettere questo blog su un altro sito ma ho delle momentanee difficolta' a raggiungerlo.

Virtual Animal Genitals

Have a moment's patience will soon put even the comments. Unfortunately I have to wait yaccs accept other people, around midnight.

Oh, and I know that advertising ' e' seccante. Volevo mettere questo blog su un altro sito ma ho delle momentanee difficolta' a raggiungerlo.

Testing Negative One Day Before Period

Ho appena sentito con la coda dell'orecchio una delle nuove pubblicita' della Chiesa sull'otto per mille. Ben fatte, non c'e' che dire. Questa era sulla squadra di calcio in Africa. Ad un certo punto uno diceva distintamente: "A people united will never be defeated", che vorrebbe dire "Un popolo unito non sara' mai vinto" o, in spagnolo, "El pueblo unido jamas sera' vencido." Pero', mi sono detta, dopo essere atterrata sulla sedia dal mio saltino. Cos'e', loro che sono fuggiti a sinistra o noi che ci siamo fatti scippare le parole d'ordine?

Ad ogni modo, bel tentativo, but no. My money still go to the Waldenses. Nice try, but '.

Testing Negative One Day Before Period

Ho appena sentito con la coda dell'orecchio una delle nuove pubblicita' della Chiesa sull'otto per mille. Ben fatte, non c'e' che dire. Questa era sulla squadra di calcio in Africa. Ad un certo punto uno diceva distintamente: "A people united will never be defeated", che vorrebbe dire "Un popolo unito non sara' mai vinto" o, in spagnolo, "El pueblo unido jamas sera' vencido." Pero', mi sono detta, dopo essere atterrata sulla sedia dal mio saltino. Cos'e', loro che sono fuggiti a sinistra o noi che ci siamo fatti scippare le parole d'ordine?

Ad ogni modo, bel tentativo, but no. My money still go to the Waldenses. Nice try, but '.

Babysitter Diaper Change With Latex Gloves

Ok, now there 's also a blog in Italian!

Babysitter Diaper Change With Latex Gloves

Ok, now there 's also a blog in Italian!